Hung Song Stimulation of the Yang Qiao Meridian – webinar 7

DKK 180,00

Varenummer (SKU): yang-qiao01 Kategori:


Webinar VII: Hung Song Activation of The Yang Qiao Meridian


Theory and Hung Song Stimulation of the Yang Qiao Meridian, also named a “Motility Vessel”, which activates and balances energy, bound in the past, in order that it can return to be useful in the present now. Yang Qiao provides energy for the skeleton, muscles and superficial tissues when it is in balance and grounded. Together with Yin Qiao the Yang Qiao is linked to the energy supply of the body. The Yang Qiao manifest itself through fire, where Yin Qiao is represented through the water. Yang Qiao is represented through action, fight, manifestation of energy, and is in its extreme it is unstoppable as a lose freight wagon downhill. The rebellious qi is radical in its judgement, and the adrenalin production will be at its highest peak, almost like you would be on drugs. An overload of Yang Qiao creates stress and can burn the kidneys in the long run.  An unbalanced Yang Qiao energy is especially manifested in the higher Jiao, situated around the chest and head. Heat from too much energy can cause insomnia, too high blood pressure, heart problems, itchy eyes, red spots in the skin… headaches and neck/back pain. Through activation of The Yin and Yang Qiao vessels a balance can gradually be regained. Edited live-webinar performed Sunday the 5th of May 2024.

Hung Song is an expression of inner undertones, which, like the cat´s purr and or the bees humming can stimulate any part of your body. This means that the sound can resonate with and activate the meridians, the electrical wires of the body, too. Githa Ben-David has been experimenting with herself and also activates meridians while sound scanning clients. The method has shown to have a profound balancing and healing effect on the human organism. You can treat yourself with this method.

Film I Introduction & Yang Qiao Song © Githa Ben-David 5:17 

Film II The Roles of Yin- & Yang Qiao 16:34

Film III The Ailments connected to Yang Qiao 8:47

Film IV The Typical Imbalances of Yang Qiao 9:58 

Film V Yang Qiao’s Master- and Partner Point 5:17

Film VI The Points of the Yang Qiao Meridian 8:10

Film VII Hung Song Activation ofThe Yang Qiao Meridian 6:31



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